Matt McNew

FORMula Fitness Instructor

Meet Coach Matt


Hi! My name is Matthew Clark and I’m a coach and one of the owners of FORMula Fitness. I am really proud of the community that we have built here and I invite you to come and check us out.


And now, a little bit about me. I am an East Texas boy…born and raised. At the age of 19, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps where I served for 12 years. Spending this amount of time in the USMC exposed me to a LOT of things…including injuries related to physical training. I got out of the service in 2012 and didn’t quite know what I wanted to do…but I knew that I wanted to help people. I settled on becoming a personal trainer because it had always been a passion of mine and I knew that it was an area where so many people struggle. Molly and I started FORMula Fitness in our garage…and we knew that we were onto something special. As we grew, we moved into our current location and have never looked back. 


I am especially interested in rehabilitative exercise and recovery. Keeping our members healthy and strong is of utmost importance to me. 


In addition to getting my fitness on, I love spending time with our rescued pugs, Otis and Edna May, my snake, Judy, family, classic cars, scuba diving and traveling.


I absolutely love every single member of our gym family. They are MY family. I do everything in my power to help them reach their goals. 



Cooper Institute CPT

FLX Certified Stretch Coach